OSHA Emergency Response Refresher



8 hrs - one day         $350/person




Hazardous material response procedure refresher during uncontrolled release incidents.  Agenda: recognition, evaluation, monitoring, personnel protection, communication, confinement, containment and decontamination.  Classroom, observations and hands-on technician response exercises are included. Exceeds the requirements of the EPA and OSHA mandated for an annual refresher for technician level responders.



2024 Dates: October 1, December 5



DEP TCH: 8 (BC-2009-2149)
NH DES CEUs: 0.8
ABIH CM Points: 1.0 IH CM Point
Approved by the Maine Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers CECH = 2



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HAZWOPER Refresher for 24-Hour Technician